Friday, July 4, 2008


happy /'haepi/ adj. (hap•pier, hap•pi•est)
1 ~ (to do sth)| ~ (for sb)| ~ (that ... ) feeling or showing pleasure; pleased: a happy smile / face * You don’t look very happy today. * We are happy to announce the engagement of our daughter. * I’m very happy for you. note at glad
2 giving or causing pleasure: a happy marriage / memory / childhood * The story has a happy ending. * Those were the happiest days of my life.

3 if you wish sb a Happy Birthday, Happy New Year, etc. you mean that you hope they have a pleasant celebration

4 ~ (with / about sb/sth) satisfied that sth is good or right; not anxious: Are you happy with that arrangement? * If there’s anything you’re not happy about, come and ask. * I’m not happy with his work this term. * She was happy enough with her performance. * I’m not too happy about her living alone. * I said I’d go just to keep him happy.

5 ~ to do sth (formal) willing or pleased to do sth: I’m happy to leave it till tomorrow. * He will be more than happy to come with us.

6 lucky; successful syn fortunate: By a happy coincidence, we arrived at exactly the same time. * He is in the happy position of never having to worry about money.

7 (formal) (of words, ideas or behaviour) suitable and appropriate for a particular situation: That wasn’t the happiest choice of words.

hap•pi•ness noun [U]: to find true happiness * Her eyes shone with happiness. * Their grandchildren are a constant source of happiness. note at satisfaction

idiom a ,happy e'vent the birth of a baby

idiom a / the happy 'medium something that is in the middle between two choices or two ways of doing sth: She tried to strike a happy medium between making the questions too hard and making them too easy.

idiom not a ,happy 'bunny (BrE) (NAmE not a ,happy 'camper) (informal) not pleased about a situation: She wasn’t a happy bunny at all.

idiom many happy re'turns (of the 'day) used to wish sb a happy and pleasant birthday—more at mean n.

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